• Kontakt


Company Headquarters and Art Studio - MILANÓWEK

Luma Milanówek
Ul. Jedwabna 1 
05-822 Milanówek 
Nip: 529-168-02-48 

Stationary salon in Milanówek
Showroom opening hours:
Mon. - Fri: 10:00-18:00
Sat: 10:00-14:00
+48 796 216 910

Online shop
Office opening hours:
Mon. - Fri: 8:00-16:00

+48 883-933-654

Sales department
(sales for companies and institutions)
Marta Szczepańska
Head of the B2B Sales Department
+48 533-933-654

Łukasz Łumiński

+48 500-018-449

History woven with silk thread

"Silk was invented so that women could walk naked in dresses" - Arab proverb.

If you believe in destiny, then silk was written to our company. How else to explain that its headquarters is located at 1 Jedwabna Street in Milanówek - in the capital of Polish silk and exactly in front of the old silk plants? It was the first silk factory in Europe, operating until the mid -90s. '

The founder of Luma Milanówek got to know the history of silk plants, next to which he grew up, and which unfortunately ended their activities, thus ending the production of silk in Poland. The end of production does not mean, however, the end of the silk history of Milanówka. The production of silk haberdashery has become part of not only the history of this city, but also the fate of individual people. Milanians leaning over thin silk threads. And it's not just about the spinning process, but also about the work of painters, which can create beautiful patterns on silk fabrics with extraordinary care.

Luma Milanówek attempts to revive the former splendor of silk in Milanówek with the help of painters, which began to polish their workshop still in natural silk plants.

Silk is a luxurious good, and therefore not for everyone. For centuries, he was almost worshiped, dressing the powerful of this world. It produces, among others: Such fabrics as satin, twill, crepe, Żorżeta, Habotai or jacquard. Nature creates the most beautiful works and Jedwab is proof of this. It is not without reason that the Chinese have been guarding the secret to obtaining silk threads for 2000 years. The death penalty was waiting for the one who dared to reveal her. Silk brought them wealth.

The renaissance of silk manufacturing in Poland continues

The history of silk in Poland began after regaining independence in 1918. And although silk has not been produced in Poland for 25 years, it is close to our culture and tradition, and we want to provide it to the most demanding customers.

We cultivate the traditions of our ancestors, respecting their practices, which became the meaning of life. We feel responsible for what we put on the market and we are proud of it. Our customers can be sure that they receive an absolutely noble, high-quality and unique product. A great role is played by women artists, whose manual work and creativity is reflected in the created scarves, shawls and scarves. This is again connected with the old tradition when silk was a painting base, especially in oriental art.

We refer you to the tab describing the fascinating history of silk manufacturing. You will learn many interesting things there, especially about the role it played in the silk past of Milanówek.