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  • Sweaters - Merino wool

Why is merino wool so special?

First of all, thanks to the weather conditions in which merino have learned to live, it has natural thermoregulatory properties, so that merino wool clothes can be worn all year round (they protect against cold and overheating). In addition, merino wool is biodegradable and protects against harmful UVA and UVB radiation, which has been scientifically confirmed. Importantly, merino wool can breathe on its own with hygroscopic properties and perfectly copes with moisture that it absorbs and releases from the air. You can easily remove water molecules from it.  By removing moisture from its surface, it can cool our body and also use moisture from the air, thus warming up in warm weather. In addition, merino wool has antibacterial properties and eliminates unpleasant odors. Its fibers do not absorb bad odors and are resistant to bacteria, so this unusual wool is always pleasant. Merino wool is also resistant to dirt, its fibers are wrapped in a protective layer that protects the wool from attracting dirt and absorbing stains. In addition, it does not have electrostatic charges and does not attach to other materials. Merino wool is very durable and durable: it retains color for a long time and even after many years has no traces of use. Thanks to its flexibility, it retains its shape and prevents the material from stretching. It is also worth mentioning that merino wool is extremely soft to the touch. All this means that once we get acquainted with a merino wool product, we immediately fall in love with it and want it to stay in our homes and wardrobes forever.


Why is merino wool better than other fabrics?

There is a belief that wool is a biting material, however, in the case of merino wool it is completely different. Its fibers are extremely thin, which is why it is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch, thanks to which it can freely adhere to our body. Compared to other fabrics, it does not absorb bad odors and is resistant to fire. It is worth mentioning once again that it is a biodegradable material, which is extremely important nowadays. Merino wool clothing warms up on cold days and cools in hot weather, which is why it is called a "year-round product". In addition, it does not pill and is very durable and has self-cleaning properties, so it is worth investing in merino wool clothing. It is an airy, antibacterial and antifungal fabric. Unlike traditional wool, it is light, does not scratch and dries quickly. In addition, it does not stretch and does not require pressing and can simultaneously absorb and repel water molecules. Anyone who at least once puts on merino wool will immediately feel the difference compared to traditional fabrics.